SASS Bloemfontein West

Sheriff Bloemfontein West


SASS Bloemfontein West Jurisdiction

Start at the point where the Bloemfontein-Bultfontein Nasional Road crosses the Municipal district border in the north and from there in a general southernly direction with the Bloemfontein-Bultfontein Nasional road continue in Eeufees road: from there still generally south with Milner road, Aliwal street and Green street untill it ends in St Georges street, turn right untill it ends in President Brand Street: from there left in President Brand street, with CUT on either sides, untill it ends in Victoria road: from there right in Victoria road and then left in Kolbe avenue which becomes Curie avenue untill the city border: from there with the Bloemfontein-Jagersfontein Nasional road untill it crosses the southern distrct border of Bloemfontein

The dividing line forming the jurisdiction areas Sheriff Bloemfontein East and Sheriff Bloemfontein West is as follows:
Start at the point where the Bloemfontein-Bultfontein Nasional Road crosses the Municipal district border in the north and from there in a general southernly direction with the Bloemfontein-Bultfontein Nasional road continue in Kenneth Kaunda road (Eeufees road): from there still generally south with Milner road, Aliwal street and Green street untill it ends in St Georges street, turn right untill it ends in President Brand Street: from there left in President Brand street, with CUT on either sides, untill it ends in Victoria road: from there right in Victoria road and then left in Kolbe avenue which becomes Goven Mbeki avenue (Curie avenue) untill the city border: from there with the Bloemfontein-Jagersfontein Nasional road untill it crosses the southern distrct border of Bloemfontein.
Description of Image 1

Central University of Technology (CUT) Division Map and Key

Description of Image 2

The manner in which the jurisdiction of a Sheriffs office is determined and described, often by using streets and roads as borders, may impact whether just even of uneven numbers of a street resort in the particular jurisdiction of a Sheriffs office.

It may also result having certain even and uneven numbers resorting under such jurisdiction.

West Image

Streets Generally Easterly / Westerly DirectionSheriff Bloemfontein EastSheriff Bloemfontein West
Charlesstraat2 – 6488 -100
 5 – 6983 -99
Elizabethstraat4279240 – 58
 4275827 >
Fonteinstraat2 – 3840 – 46
 4275245 – 69
Henrystraat2 – 6880 – 122
 3 – 4981 – 100
Charlotte Maxekestraat2 – 136142 – 158
(Ou Maitlandstraat)1 – 5767 – 75
Nelson Mandelarylaan2 – 9294 – 208
(Ou Voortrekkerstraat)1 – 7985 – 173
Selbornelaan2 – 7286 – 110
St Andrewstraat2 – 6272 >
 1 – 133137 – 167
St Georgesstraat2 – 9698 – 100
 Alle ander ongelyke nrs.18
Waverleyweg2 – 9294 – 178
 1 – 9597 – 189
Wilcocksweg2 – 88108 – 132
 1 – 99107 – 139
Zastronstraat2 – 5278 – 178
 1 – 7779 – 171

North Image

Streets Generally Northerly / Southerly DirectionSheriff Bloemfontein EastSheriff Bloemfontein West
Goven Mbekilaan (Ou Curielaan)UnevenEven
Kenneth Kaundaweg (Ou Eeufeesweg)EvenUneven
Pres Brandstraat (Eunice)EvenUneven
St GeorgestraatUnevenEven
Nr. Place Name Wes – West Oos – East
1 Arboretum # #
2 Arcadia #
3 Ashbury #
4 Bainsvlei #
5 Batho #
6 Bayswater # #
7 Bloemanda #
8 Bloemspruit #
9 Bochabela #
10 Brandhof #
11 Brandwag #
12 Cecilia #
13 Dan Pienaar #
14 Deal’s Gift #
15 De Brug #
16 Ehrlichpark #
17 Estoire #
18 Exton #
19 Fauna #
20 Ferreira #
21 Fichardtpark #
22 Fleurdal #
23 Flora #
24 Generaal de Wet #
25 Glen #
26 Groenvlei #
27 Grootvlei #
28 Hagersdam #
29 Hamilton #
30 Hartebeesfontein #
31 Heidedal #
32 Heliconhoogte #
33 Heuwelsig #
34 Hoëveld #
35 Hillsboro #
36 Hilton #
37 Hoekpan #
38 Hospitaalpark #
39 Kaalspruit #
40 Kafferivier #
41 Kagisanong #
42 Kelly’s View #
43 Kenilworth #
44 Kloofeind #
45 Krugersdrift Dam #
46 Kwaggafontein #
47 Lakeview #
48 Langenhovenpark #
Lynchfield #
49 Mangaung #
50 Martindale #
51 Mooiwater #
52 Noordhoek #
53 Olive Hill #
54 Oos-Einde #
55 Opkoms #
56 Oranjesig #
57 Parkwes #
58 Pellissier #
59 Pentagonpark #
60 Phahameng #
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